Residential Roof

   Ebenezer Roofing

Welcome to Ebenezer Roofing LLC – Your Trusted Partner for Exceptional Residential Roofing Products!

At Ebenezer Roofing LLC, we take pride in providing top-notch residential roofing products that not only protect your home but also enhance its aesthetic appeal. With 13 years of experience and a commitment to excellence, we have become a name synonymous with quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction.

We only provide high quality Residential Roofing Products for all our customers needs. We stand behind our product and install it with great pride. We know that that Roof will last the test of time.

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Our Residential Roofing Products

3 Tab Asphalt Roofing:

Looking for a cost-effective yet durable roofing option? Our 3 Tab Asphalt Roofing is a classic choice that offers both affordability and reliability. These shingles are designed to withstand the elements while providing a clean and timeless look to your home.

Flat Roofing:

Modern homes often feature flat or low-slope roofs, and we specialize in delivering tailored solutions for such designs. Our flat roofing materials are designed to prevent leaks, enhance energy efficiency, and provide a sleek, contemporary appearance to your property.

Shake Roofing:

For those who appreciate the charm of a rustic, natural aesthetic, our Shake Roofing options are the perfect fit. Crafted to mimic the appearance of traditional wooden shakes, these roofing materials offer an authentic look without the maintenance concerns of natural wood.

Slate Roofing:

Elevate the elegance of your home with our Slate Roofing solutions. Known for their durability and distinctive beauty, slate roofs are an investment in both aesthetics and longevity. Our range of slate options allows you to customize the look of your home while enjoying the benefits of a premium roofing material.

Why Choose Ebenezer Roofing LLC?


Our team consists of skilled professionals with a deep understanding of roofing materials, installation techniques, and industry best practices.

Quality Assurance:

We source our roofing materials from reputable manufacturers, ensuring that your investment is backed by the highest quality products.


We understand that every home is unique. That’s why we offer a wide range of roofing styles, colors, and materials to suit your personal preferences and architectural style.


We pride ourselves on completing projects on time and within budget, all while maintaining the highest standards of workmanship.

Customer-Centric Approach:

Your satisfaction is our priority. We believe in open communication, transparency, and going the extra mile to exceed your expectations.

Roof Inspection Reports

Only $150

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Contact Us Today

At Ebenezer Roofing LLC, we don’t just install roofs; we create roofing solutions that stand the test of time. Whether you’re in need of a 3 Tab Asphalt Roof, a Flat Roof, Shake Roofing, or a Slate Roof, we have the expertise to transform your roofing vision into reality.

Trust Ebenezer Roofing LLC - Because Your Roof Deserves the Best!

Contact us today for a consultation, and let’s embark on a journey to safeguarding and enhancing the beauty of your home with our premium residential roofing products and services.